Welcome to the computer-jobs email group.
The following is a very general guideline for the group, & will evolve
over time.
======================== READ THIS ===================================
Breaking the rules of this group, like posting home working or typing
jobs, "get rich quick" schemes or advertising your agencies services rather than SPECIFIC jobs will result in your post being deleted and your email address will be banned without further notice!!!
Delayed posts? If your post does not get sent to the list immediately do not post it again. The group moderators are based in different countries (New Zealand and the UK). We moderate the list at least ONCE per 24 hours.
:- This group initially was intended for employers to advertise jobs
for " computer related " industries / careers..
or for future employees in finding a job, CV preparation,
training etc.. in regards to the computer / I.T. industry..
SOME examples are :-
:- Website (intranet / Internet) Designers.
:- Graphics (Advertising areas etc.. )
:- Programmers (any language)..
:- Database management
:- Background (Technical - repair / wiring etc...)
:- IT Human Resource and Management
BUT NO FRANCHISES and NOTHING Home-based or "typing for big bucks"
If you know / can suggest any other broad computer-related industries,
not included in the above, please advise the moderator/owner on
computer-jobs-owner@yahoogroups.com for inclusion in the above list.
:- ANY Franchise opportunities or offers to join these.
:- ANY homeworking regardless of nature
:- ANYTHING offering BIG BUCKS for peanuts, "Get Rich Quick" Schemes
:- Pure promotion of agencies / services rather providing than specific openings.
:- Promotion of other jobs groups or vacancy listings
:- ANY non-I.T. jobs
You will be removed/banned if you attempt to post messages that are (or apprear to be) within this scope.
Also: Any area not expressly stated here but considered as inappropriate by the list owner solely at his discretion.
This is an international group, So it will be useful if, when you're advertising a job, to put your country and/or city/area, in the subject.
EG "Houston Tx USA - I.T. Manager position"
Or abreviated forms of your city name.
If you post multiple "ads" with the same subject line we may delete all after the first SO please make the subject lines DIFFERENT with your job ID number
like these, for example: http://tinyurl.com/jay7
*spammers* please note: This is a spam-free zone
Just because you say "We belong to the same email group & approved by the
moderators" (or similar wording) will not mean that off-topic messages will
be approved. Repeated attempts to post unacceptable content will result in a ban, you may however be informed if a post is considered inappropriate if you have not repeatedly posted it.
Breach of Yahoo! Groups Terms of Service, etc. will be reported to your ISP/Yahoo! Groups.
Jeremy Naylor
Timezone: NZST - GMT +13:00
Group Owner.
Revised 2 January 2004.
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